Tips To Create And Add Video Resume

2 min readJun 3, 2023

Creating a video resume can be an effective way to showcase your skills, personality, and qualifications to potential employers. It is alywas better to make the video resume as effective as possible before uploaing it in your Sociocharge profile. Here are the few points that you should review before creating

Plan and script: Before you start recording, outline the key points you want to cover in your video resume. Write a script to guide your presentation, highlighting your relevant experience, achievements, skills, and goals. Keep it concise and engaging, aiming for a video length of one to three minutes.

Choose a professional setting: Find a quiet and well-lit location to record your video. Make sure the background is clean and uncluttered, with minimal distractions. Consider using a neutral backdrop or a relevant work-related setting.

Dress professionally: Dress in appropriate attire that aligns with the job or industry you’re targeting. Ensure you look polished and presentable. Avoid excessive jewelry or distracting clothing patterns.

Introduction: Begin your video resume with a brief introduction, stating your name, the position you’re applying for, and a quick summary of your professional background. Capture the viewer’s attention and establish a connection.

Highlight your achievements: Showcase your accomplishments, experiences, and skills that are relevant to the job you’re seeking. Be specific and provide concrete examples to demonstrate your abilities. Keep the information concise and impactful.

Show your personality: A video resume allows you to convey your personality and enthusiasm. Let your passion for your work shine through in your tone and body language. Be authentic, energetic, and engaging.

Be concise and focussed: Keep your video resume concise and to the point. Avoid rambling or going off-topic. Practice your script beforehand to ensure you deliver your message clearly and confidently.

Call to action: End your video resume with a strong call to action. Clearly state what you want the viewer to do next, such as visiting your website, contacting you for an interview, or reviewing your attached resume.

Add video resume to your Sociocharge profie: Once you’re satisfied with the final video resume, save it in a widely compatible format, such as MP4, and upload it to a video hosting platform like YouTube. You may keep it unlisted so that it doesn’t come in public search. Copy the web url of your video and add the link in your Sociocharge profile. You can any time enable or disable it.

Remember, a video resume is a supplementary tool, so it should complement your traditional resume and cover letter. Tailor the content and style of your video resume to suit the job and company you’re targeting, and always follow any specific instructions provided by the employer.

