How Solving Real Business Problems Help You Stand Out From The Crowd.

2 min readMay 8, 2023

Your future is going to be less dependent on your education degree, experience & credentials and more focussed on your skills & competencies. Companies have already started looking beyond education degree. Companies like Google, Facebook, Apple & Zoho etc. have already made education degree non-mandatory in their job descriptions. Internet has made learning resources available to everyone. Effectively learning is democratised but not the opportunities as employer prefer real world problem solving skills in their candidates more than the certificates. Solving real business problems can be an excellent way for college students to shape their career path, find jobs and stand out from the crowd.

Here’s why:

1. Real-world experience: Solving real business problems gives students hands-on experience in their desired field. This experience is highly valued by employers, as it demonstrates that the student has the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the workplace.

2. Building skills: Solving real business problems can help students build essential skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, and teamwork. These skills are highly transferable and can be applied to a wide range of careers.

3. Networking: Solving real business problems can also help students build their network. They work with team of people who share their career path. They may have the opportunity to work with professionals in their desired field or make connections with potential employers.

4. Demonstrating value: By solving real business problems, students can demonstrate their value to potential employers. This can help them stand out from other job candidates and increase their chances of landing a job.

5. Career direction: Solving real business problems can also help students gain insight into their career direction. They may discover that they enjoy a particular type of work or industry, or they may learn that they want to pursue a different path.

Overall, solving real business problems can be an excellent way for college students to gain real-world experience, build essential skills, and make connections in their desired field. This can help them find jobs and shape their career path after graduation. At Sociocharge we are making opportunities accessible, democratised and personalised. You can find personalised real business projects to build your profile.

